Sys’s Six Figure Film Festival & Screenplay Contest announces Macee Binns as a Hollywood Screenplay Contest Judge for the 2nd year in a row. In addition to reviewing the festival’s feature screenplay submissions for the 2024 season, she will also take part in an Industry Panel at the renown Los Angeles based film festival sharing her expertise in the field of screenwriting.
Pop Culture Articles
SYS’s Six-Figure Film Festival & Screenplay Contest announces Macee Binns as a Screenplay Contest Judge for the 2023 Festival Season
Sys’s Six Figure Film Festival & Screenplay Contest announces Macee Binns as a Hollywood Screenplay Contest Judge for the 2023 festival season. In addition to reviewing the festival’s feature screenplay submissions, she will also take part in an Industry Panel at the renown Los Angeles based film festival sharing her expertise in the field of screenwriting.
Macee Binns Is Currently Working As A Staff Content Writer At TheRichest
Macee Binns is currently working as a Staff Content Writer regularly contributing to the Celebrity Gossip and Pop Culture Sections of the TheRichest is the world's leading source of shocking and intriguing content surrounding celebrities, global events, pop culture, sports and so much more. The articles that Macee Binns has written for TheRichest are receiving great reviews and have received over 3 million views online. To view Macee's articles and contributing writer statistics page please visit the link at